Hello New Space :).

The answer to why am I in this space is quiet awkward! Because they often consider silence as an awkward answer. But yeah, I will try to explain. Hey, I’m Arjun Suresh and I hail from a small and green village in Kerala, India. Probably you would know me in person and maybe that’s the reason you are reading this (as I have shared you the link to be here!) or maybe because you would like to know about me. Both ways, cheers ! :)

I’m currently in the period of my college days, pursuing my degree in the stream of Journalism and Mass Communication. To be honest, this stream wasn’t even in my thoughts! But somehow I became a part of it. But the way it makes me satisfied is with the good company it has with my favourite field — Cinema. So taking straight to the nose, the reason I’m here is my stream. It has developed me from seeing to observing, hearing to listening, writing to addressing, and what not in a small span!

Addressing or talking to people on various things has become something that’s quite a part of my life nowadays. Whether it be on contemporary issues, past events, technology, sports, cinema, you name it! I will have something to talk about to someone every day. Maybe that’s what my stream has transformed me into. Like I said — from seeing to observing, hearing to listening, writing to addressing. So addressing more people from a single platform about various subjects is the goal. Let’s read, talk, vibe each other in this splendid area of words. I will make sure what is to be conveyed is conveyed in the right way and with no compromise to quality. So, see you soon!

Cheers :)